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As an educator, I will teach students by encouraging curiosity, exploration, and questioning. It is important that students not only learn, but develop a passion for learning. I will strive to spark the interests of young minds daily and to teach them how truly amazing the world is, with all of its natural wonders and surprises. I believe that a  student's desire to learn is just as important as the knowledge they gain.










My role as a teacher is to guide students on their journey to knowledge by encouraging inquisitiveness. I never want my students to stop asking questions of the world around them. Students in my class will be more than learners; they will be explorers, leaving no stone unturned. They will analyze ideas, scrutinize the truth, and research different possibilities in order to construct their own meanings. This will help them to be critical thinkers, capable of understanding how to use their minds effectively. I want to encourage students to take accountability for the knowledge that they have gained. It is not merely me, as their teacher, who has taught them. More importantly, they, as students have worked to expand their minds and they should be proud of that fact. 


I want my students to feel safe and comfortable the second they step into our classroom. To make this happen I plan on fostering an environment where communication comes easy. I want students to feel like they are apart of a team. Their place in the class is just as important as any other student. I want my students to feel at ease when asking a peer for help, sharing their ideas with the class, and backing up a classmate who is in need. I want us to work collectively in a team as we explore new ideas. We will learn together and help each other find the answers to our questions, which will be one of the driving forces of my classroom. All students will be encouraged day in and day out to ask questions. Students will understand the importance not only of formulating the right question to ask in order to get the information they want, but different strategies in which they can find the answers. One of my classroom mottos comes from a Norwegian children's book author...










Differentiation is an important aspect of being an effective teacher. By understanding that no one student learns in the same way or at the same rate, it is easy to see how important differentiation is to a classroom filled with a variety of students. Through formative assessment and observations to keep constant track of each students progress I will be able to fine tune lessons to fit the needs of all of my students. Differences will be celebrated and embraced and everyone will have an equal opportunity to learn.  



It's not a silly question if you can't answer it.

-Jostein Gaarder


-Albert Einstein 


Curiosity is more important than knowledge.




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