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Standard 6: Assessment: The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.

In order to help another effectively, I must understand what he understands.




Success Criteria 

After learning a new concept in math we worked together as a class to create a success criteria that will help students meet the learning objective. Students come up with the necessary criteria that they feel they need to accomplish in order to achieve their objective. This helped students to really "own" the learning objective and it helped them to understand it as well. At the end of the lesson they check off the criteria they met and put a dot next to the ones they have not yet achieved. Then they are asked to color in their learning objective with red if they didn't meet the goal, yellow if they are nearly there, and green if they "got it". After reviewing the books I then check and dot the criteria based on their work, providing feed back when necessary and stamping if they have met their objective, are working towards, or have not yet achieved it. If there was an exit ticket out of the door, I tape it into their books for them to see. 



Exit Tickets

As a means of checking if students can apply the concepts they have learned in a lesson in a different context and explain their answer I used a Ticket out the Door as a formative assessment strategy. After students have filled out their success criteria (described below) and cleaned up their table area they are given a post it note to answer a question related to what they have just learned. After all have been posted it allows me to have a quick glance to see if the majority of the students can apply the concept taught, as well as explain it. 

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