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Standard 3: Learning Environment: The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.


Student Mentoring

One week during math there was a big divide in terms of students who "got it" and students who didn't. We were working on learning mental math strategies for addition and subtraction. A group of higher achieving students understood the method very well and were asked to be peer mentors for the rest of the class. They were given a pep talk about what it means to be a good mentor and how to help others. It was also explained that practicing explaining and teaching a concept helps you to understand it better. Mentors were spread throughout the room and students were encouraged to ask their peers for help and advice when they got stuck instead of giving up or waiting for help. There was an air of excitement in the room as students were seen making an effort to help and learn from other students. At the end of the lesson I had students sharing how their peers helped them to understand the concept better and how much they enjoyed having the opportunity to be "a teacher" and help their friends. Allowing students to learn in a group environment that promotes learning not only from the teacher but from other students creates a sense of teamwork in a classroom, which is essential for students to feel comfortable and willing to help and learn from others. 


Learning Environment
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